Dear everyone,
This morning I finally had my GMAT, for which I have been preparing for a few hundred hours; however, the coordinators at the center in Seoul refused to authenticate my identity on the account that my passport had 3 middle names that do not appear on my GMAT profile!
I even brought 3 Additional ID's with me and reminded them of my taking the GMAT before without any problem, but the coordinators, determined not to apply basic common sense, gently directed me toward the exit "Rules are the rules: Only passport /all names must match".
But the rules of the Pearson Vue ID policy, available on the internet (
https://home.pearsonvue.com/policies/gmac) clearly stipulate that only the First and Last name must match. I am lost guys!
I need not overemphasize the magnitude of the frustration it is causing me, I imagine anybody who has prepared an exam for so long can empathize with me...
What do you recommend me to do guys? Can I expect to negotiate a refund in this case?
Thank you.
Terrible experience. Sympathies.
As first step, you should approach GMAC and show them the policy that states only matching first and last names are sufficient. Also describe how you were diligent and had brought with you additional IDs.
One can understand the test center's position. If they don't enforce policy even if that is misunderstood, they may get penalized. Unfortunately, testtakers are having to bear the brunt in many cases.
Lastly, you may have a good legal case since you weren't in the wrong. But I suggest working with the test administrators first. Cheers.
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