Thank you for your post. There is not a ton of information to go off of here (and your GMAT score is not yet known), but I will offer a few preliminary thoughts.
As you begin to research schools, my suggestion would be for you to look up and analyze each program's class profile -- and even build a tracking spreadsheet with details for each. Pay special attention to average GMAT scores and GMAT score ranges, as well as to the amount of work experience that students have at each of the different programs. On the GMAT score front, you will generally want to score *above* the average for target programs. It's okay to reach for others where your score is average or a hair below -- and, on the other hand, to consider applying to some where your score is well above average (as somewhat / potentially safer options) -- but the pool of Indian applicants to business-oriented masters programs is crowded and competitive, so aiming above the average is a good initial target. On the work experience side, make sure you note which programs target students who are coming right out of undergrad. Some will, while others will want you to have a couple or a few years of work experience. Be sure to vet all of that. Finally, try to research where graduates from the programs you're looking at go on to work -- which countries, which companies, which roles, etc. -- and whether these employment results align with your interests goals. This will help you get a sense for whether a certain school is a good fit for you from a career opportunity perspective.
I wish you the best of luck!