Acid rain, caused by high levels of sulfur dioxide and mercury trapped in global air currents, affects one third of China’s territory.Coal-fired power plants are notorious for emitting large quantities of these pollutants.To combat the problem, theChinese national governmenthas set aggressive environmental goals for the next five years.These goals include a 20-percent improvement in energy efficiency and a pledge that, by the end of the five years, 10 percent of the nation’s energy will come from renewable resources such as hydroelectric or wind power.
Which of the following, if true, is the best criticism of the Chinese government’s strategy as a method for achieving a reduction in acid rain?
(A) Some forms of air pollution, such as heavy particulate fumes, would not be affected by the suggested energy improvements.
(B) Once the changes have been implemented, the actual reduction in acid rain would vary from region to region.
(C) The goals would be forced on every region in China, including those that have no problems with acid rain.
(D) Acid rain is also caused by other factors, such as volcanic eruptions or pollution from neighboring countries, over which China has no control.
(E) Regional Chinese officials tend to ignore environmental regulations in order to meet aggressive economic requirements imposed on their regions’ industries.
Kudos for the questions too...
Acid rain, caused by high levels of sulfur dioxide and mercury trapped in global air currents, affects one third of China’s territory.Coal-fired power plants are notorious for emitting large quantities of these pollutants.To combat the problem, the
Chinese national government has set aggressive environmental goals for the next five years.These goals include a 20-percent improvement in energy efficiency and a pledge that, by the end of the five years, 10 percent of the nation’s energy will come from renewable resources such as hydroelectric or wind power
Undertstand:1) AR - caused by SD and M
2) CFPP emit LARGE Q of pollutants
3)CHINESE govt. implementing plan= 20% imp in energy eff
4)10% energy will be renewable ...
conclusion : Plan will reduce ARQuestion:
WEAKENThought process : AUthor concludes that the plan will reduce AR . Why does he say so? he reasons that CURRENT REGULATIONS ARE NOT ENOUGH and hence implemetion of some regulations will be a better plan . The plan he mentions is proposed, assuming several things.
Assumptions :1) implemented plan will ACTUALLY BE Implemented.
2) 20% increase is enough.
3)the plan will not actually worsen the situation.
4) relative to the coal powered plant, the construction and other stuff regarding renewable sources will not substantially increase pollutants.
What we want? : An ans choice which will tell us that THOUGH THE PLAN is implemented , it may not actually have any effect/ worsen the situation
Some forms of air pollution, such as heavy particulate fumes, would not be affected by the suggested energy improvements.
- "some" will not be affected.. what about SD and Mercury or for that matter the majority of pollutants. They may still reduce.
(B) Once the changes have been implemented, the actual reduction in acid rain would
vary from region to region.
- " vary" ...reduction is still taking place.
(C) The goals would be forced on every region in China, including those that have no problems with acid rain.
-STRENGTHEN plan implemented everywhere.
(D) Acid rain is
also caused by other factors, such as volcanic eruptions or pollution from neighboring countries, over which China has no control.
- "also caused".. the author NEVER mentions that AC is ONLY caused by SD and MC. sure there may be other factors. But there may still be reduction in AC pollutants ,viz., SD and MC
(E) Regional Chinese officials tend to ignore environmental regulations in order to meet aggressive economic requirements imposed on their regions’ industries.
CORRECT: THe plan is implemented by National govt. But what if the local idiot officers, with other motives, do not implement the national regulation LOCALLY? Then the plan may not actually work.Answer E