Hi All,
Could you guys give me any advice which course should I take with my below performance? I have been studying GMAT since the beginning of February this year.
My goal is 700++
- Veritas prep 590: Q45 V27 (8 March)
- GMAT official prep 550: Q48 V19 (14 March)
- GMAT official prep 620: Q49 V25 (15 March)
- GMAT official exam 590: Q49 V22 (16 March)
According to
e-GMAT, the GMAT online is 100 USD more expensive than the verbal one. Looking at my quant score, I am not sure whether should I take the GMAT online or just focus only on verbal online.
However, GMAT online course also has Platinum Schoralanium which the Verbal course only has a gold version. What is the difference between that two Schoralanium?
ps. GMAT online course also includes a number of mock tests that I think it might be good to have