TAC470. I know how frustrating setbacks can be, and we all experience them in one way or another. I think the GMAT™ prep problem you outlined can sometimes come about through too much unguided practice. You went through hundreds of questions, but were you making the same sorts of mistakes and just exhausting official questions in the process, telling yourself that the time and money you had invested would surely pay dividends? To answer your question directly, have you tried any of the following resources?
1) The Free GMAT Club Grammar book -
Old edition:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/gmat-grammar-ebook-by-gmat-club-free-this-book-will-be-102387.htmlNewer edition:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/ultimate-gmat-grammar-book-133952.html (Note: You do not have to have a Facebook account to get the guide. I got a copy without such an account.)
2) GMAT Ninja's Ultimate SC Guide for Beginners -
https://gmatclub.com/forum/ultimate-sc-guide-for-beginners-gmat-ninja-244623.htmlThere is a reason so many people, myself included, enjoy reading Charles' posts. Even an SC maestro will find something worthwhile in his musings.
3) The Sentence Correction Megathread (2018 edition) -
https://gmatclub.com/forum/sentence-correction-megathread-2018-edition-204883.htmlIf there is a specific SC question type that seems to trip you up, this thread may help you put a finger on it. Definitely worth a glance.
There is so much available on this forum that as long as you learn reasonably well from reading analyses, you should be able to make gains, even within 20 days. And if you are stuck
after checking out such resources, then go back and reread some of the ones you skimmed the first time. Trust me, there is always something to learn when you are looking at the material with fresh eyes. And unless you have memorized every single answer to the questions you have already done, you will probably be able to apply some newfound knowledge to those older
OG problems, too. If you can gain an appreciation for what makes the incorrect answers incorrect, rather than knowing how to spot the one true answer, then you will have gained a lot more than you think.
Good luck with your studies.
- Andrew