When do we split expressions in Parallelism?
For example, in
"They wanted
to increase awareness,spark interest, and motivate purchases." Here they have seperated 'to' from each parallel element and put it in the beginning, whereas in
"We would like not only
to hear your side of the story but also
to provide a response." Here they have not seperated 'to' from either parallel element.
Both of the above are from
We would like not only to hear your side of the story but also to provide a response.
This one is the matter of the game of word pair. There're so many things like this one (e.g., either...or; neither....nor). In this types of pair, you have to use the TAG (like
To ) every times (if you use TO after "not only" you have to use "TO" after "but also").
They wanted to increase awareness,spark interest, and motivate purchases
Normally, you have to find out the tag in the right side of the items. Here the right side is "motivate", a simple verb. So, you're going to use TO before the first item (increase). you can still write this sentence as follows, i guess:
They wanted to increase awareness, to spark interest, and to motivate purchases.