Hey bb,
I have been following gmat club for 2 years now as a silent reader but this is the first time i am writing to a post. Firstly, i really appreciate the initiative of this site as it helps a lot, both when u are really down and low and looking for answers or when you need some inspiration and u read others post and dust the rust and eventually get back up.
Now, coming to my question ,can you please confirm if the description against each tests mentioned in your post above from 2009 still hold true as firstly i took gmat prep test 1 with a score of 640 on the 16th of this month. The problem with this one is it gives you the correct ans but not the explanation.
Secondly, i took 3 princeton review tests and was planning on taking the MGMATs next, but the scores from the princetons (p.s.: where i did like the report card through as it crisply categorically mentioned to me my weaknesses) came quite low (640 on 22nd morn/ 580 yesterday night / 590 today morn), where as my actual gmats score so far is (650 with 49 Q/ 610 with 48 Q/ 630 with 49 Q) ??? And as per your post above princeton is still basics
So based on my gmats, i know verbal is the issue now.
P.S.: i took all these princeton tests in a span of 3 days and everytime had atleast 7-10 mins to spare in each section.
I am targeting to get a score somewhere in the ranges of 720-750 on the gmat that I plan to give the 4th time within a month now but I seem to be stuck with the score range of 650 (since past 2 years) and coudn't seem to break through.
Lots of pissed on self, Frustrated & tensed a bit now.
Need help. please suggest. should i go for the mgmats or stick to princeton or do something else, god knows what as the problem is I seem to strike out on CRs in verbal where i drill down to 2 shortlisted answers, mark 1 and the other seems to be right? Not sure even on the approach as to how should i improve my CRs scores. So far, i have solved atleast min 2000 quest per sections.