OK - the advice we're going to offer might be controversial and in fact goes against our own philosophies about education, but we're responding to how you've phrased your question and the elements you're highlighting.
You need to decide why you are going to business school.
Are you going because you want to dive into the academics and learn a bunch of new skills and absorb as much as you can? Do you have plans for really pushing your career in some important new direction, that you need to squeeze everything out of every class possible?
Or are you going because you want to squeeze as much fun out of it as you can? Do you want the social life and the parties and the going out with your friends - along with classes of course, but maybe the new friendships and the network and the overall EXPERIENCE of a year away from the grind of the daily working world is more appealing?
(the fact that your wife may not be joining you...
Along with YOLO,there's YOGTBSO - You Only Go To BSchool Once (
we've been accused of having "OUOA disorder (Over Use of Acronyms))
What are you seeking from the experience?
Once you answer that question then you'll know exactly which school to pick.
In case that answer was wholly unhelpful, let us know and we'll try to be more forthcoming (but we think you already know the stuff we would say about both of these schools, based on how we just laid out the decision you're making).
Bottom line: You're going to get a GREAT EDUCATION and have a GREAT TIME at either of these schools. The world economy is improving and (fingers crossed) by the time you graduate from either, job prospects will be picking up in Europe - yes, probably still in Spain, too, though they tend to have more protectionist policies and it's always harder for a foreigner to land work there. We can offer more specific observations about what we observed about students at these schools and what we know directly from working with people who got in and are attending - but you're going to be making a good decision at either place. Just figure out what your personal priorities are and then you'll know what to do.
Happy to answer other queries if you have them.