We all come across the verb-ed word in GMAT questions most of the times. Let's discuss the role of it in detail. It acts either as verb or as modifier in the sentence.
Verb-ed(As a verb): When ever you come across a verb-ed word, pause a moment and understand whether it represents the action performed by the subject or not. If yes then it acts as a verb. Let's see an example, John visited the mall last night. In this context john has performed the action,so visited acts a verb.
Verb-ed(As a modifier): Verb-ed acts as a modifier when it provides more information about the entity it modifies and it cannot represent an action performed by the subject. Lets see an example, The shopping mall constructed in an year spans across 10kms. Here constructed modifies the shopping mall, you cannot say mall performed the action constructed.
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It is very hard to sort out which one is modifier and which one is not modifier (verb) until we know the meaning of the verb-ed word.
But, the good news is that if verb-ed is being used as 'modifier', then there must have a verb.