AOutshining the Panama Canal or even the Empire State Building as an incredible construction feat, the Hoover Dam built to tame the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers, is more than 726 feet tall and took 21,000 workers more than two years to finish.
(A) the Hoover Dam built to tame the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers, is more than 726 feet tall and took 21,000 workers more than two years to finish
correct answer(B) the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers, was tamed by the Hoover Dam that was built to be more than 726 feet tall and took 21,000 workers more than two years to finish it
modifies colorado river- illogical(C) it took 21,000 workers more than two years to finish the 726-foot-tall Hoover Dam that would tame the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers
modifies place holder it- illogical(D) for more than two years, 21,000 workers built the 726-foot-tall Hoover Dam that would tame the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers
modifies workers- illogical(E) more than two years were needed to complete the 726-foot-tall Hoover Dam that 21,000 workers built to tame the Colorado River, one of America’s most powerful rivers
modifies more than two years- illogical_________________
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